Monday, November 5, 2012

Zucchini and Carrots "The Best Way"

I'm always looking for flexible recipes - I hate repeat dinners, so I like to find things where you can vary the seasoning and come up with something different.

This zucchini and carrot recipe from Voracious Vander has been pinned a bunch. Here's a pic from the original recipe:

I like that you can use different spices to complement your menu.

The recipe says to roast at 425 degrees for 20 minutes, or "until browned". The first time I made this, after 25 minutes the veggies were well-cooked but not browning. They were OK, but didn't really taste "roasted".

A couple weeks later, I found myself with zucchini and carrots on hand. I don't usually repeat failed recipes, but I thought this had potential.

I tried again, this time I upped the oven temp to 475 degrees. That seemed to do the trick. I also chopped the carrots smaller than the zucchini because they seemed to brown more slowly. Here's what mine looked like:

I used Herbes de Provence, salt, and pepper. They were really delicious. Highly popular with parents and toddler alike.

 I served them with broiled steaks from our locally-grown-and-butchered cow, and whole wheat pearl couscous with lemon and parsley.  (Yep, I didn't even wipe the plate before I took the pic. Sorry to those readers who have a compulsive streak)

Verdict: Success!

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