Monday, November 26, 2012

Pancake Muffins

This pancake bites recipe comes from The World According to Eggface.

Basically, you throw together your favorite pancake recipe (mine is temporarily dairy-free), then bake it in muffin tins instead of frying on the stovetop.

I feared that this might result in muffin tins filled with stuck-on pancake batter. But I hate standing at the stove for 40 minutes flipping flapjacks. So I forged ahead.

Uncooked, the pancakes looked like this:

I just sprinkled on some wild blueberries I had in the freezer, and some chopped walnuts. The recipe calls for baking 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

My preferred bacon method is baking, and it seems to take about 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees. So I had put the bacon in about 10 minutes earlier, then popped these in.

Then I went and finished my coffee on the couch. WAY easier than standing over a skillet.

They came right out of the pan, no sticking problems at all. And they were fantastic. Really delicious, and not at all heavy or greasy. This has become our go-to pancake method, the guys love it. It works perfectly with baked bacon.

The one change I've since made is to pour in some batter, then put in the add-ins, then pour more batter over. It puts the fruit more in the middle of the muffin.

Verdict: Perfect! Why haven't I been doing this all these years?

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